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Physiotherapy treatment utilises the most appropriate, up-to-date techniques, including mobilisation, manipulation & soft-tissue massage.

Osteopathy mobilizes or releases strains that adversely affect the soft tissues and organs of your body. By allowing optimal flow of blood, lymph, synovial fluid and breath.

This is a form of deep tissue massage which is focuses on regaining normal muscle & soft tissue flexibility to assist recovery & to help prevent injury.

Our Clinical Rehab Specislists focuses on rehabilitation. Exercise is used to balance muscle strength, weaknesses, lengths and tightness around the joints.

ForceDeck Testing enables us to gather objective data around your strength and weaknesses, so we are able to deliver you a bespoke strength or rehabilitation plan.

Specialist physiotheraphy treatment can help address your women's health issues, covering all areas of women's health from pregnancy to menopause, to get you back to doing the things you love.

Shockwave Therapy is an innovative, cost-effective, evidence-based treatment for tendinitis or tendinopathy (sometimes known as tendon pain).

MSK Podiatrists are experts in diagnosing and managing foot and ankle injuries from achilles tendinitis, shin splits, bunion pain, plantar fasciitis through to paediatric gait difficulties.

Healthy eating is about having a balance of different foods and nutrients in your diet. Most people who are active, a balanced diet can provide all the energy and nutrients the body needs without the need for supplements.

Acupuncture and dry needling techniques target trigger points that are a direct source of pain in order to restore pain free movement.

If you are unsure of the type of treatment you need, please contact us and we will happily guide you towards the right road to recovery.

Patients are welcome to have a friend or relative present with then during any consultation or treatment. Chaperones or interpreters are available on request.

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