Meet Colin Simpson.
Colin injured his left ankle while running in November last year. Although an X-ray at the time ruled out any fractures, subsequent scans showed significant ligament and soft tissue damage. Just two months earlier Colin ran a marathon in 3.10 and had been working towards a sub-3 hour time for his next one.
Colin worked incredibly hard over the next few months with Ashleigh, our Clinical Director and Lead Physiotherapist and Nicci, our Biokineticist. Although Colin’s strength improved significantly his symptoms unfortunately didn’t completely resolve due to the extent of the damage and he required surgery at the beginning of July to stabilise his ankle under the expert care of Ioan Tudur Jones at the Fortius Clinic.
All the hard work Colin had put in before his operation has given him an excellent head-start to his post-op recovery and he is now working hard with our new Clinical Lead Physiotherapist Clare at our King William Street Clinic.
Colin says that alongside his rehabilitation, he has picked up a lot of knowledge about the importance of strength & conditioning and injury prevention. We have no doubt that with his amazing attitude and inspirational motivation he will be back to training for his next marathon with the aim of his sub-3 hour time very soon!