What inspired you to become a physio?
I've always wanted to work in medicine and sports by helping and teaching people, so when I started needing physio as a young athlete myself, I knew this was the perfect job for me.
Best piece of advice?
Your life is your responsibility.
Drink of the month?
An ice-cold glass of Chenin Blanc (preferably from Franschhoek ;-))
Place to eat?
So many restaurants, so little time - but right now I feel like Ramen, so Shoryu Ramen.
Top snack?
Bounce Millionare Protein Ball... basically an excuse for eating chocolate, right?
Latest movie?
Not big on movies but give me an episode of House, MasterChef or Friends any day.
Something you don't know about me?
Moving to London was my second immigration. The first took me from Germany to Cape Town when I was 6 weeks old.
If you'd like to book an appointment with Chrissy, you can find her at our Bank Clinic or City Clinic. Call +44 (0)203 893 5100 to book your appointment.