These are challenging and uncertain times, but we have you covered. We also understand that keeping you moving is very important to your health.
Ultra Sports Clinic are now offering virtual appointments in the comfort of your home, these appointments can take place over Microsoft Teams, Facetime, WhatsApp and Zoom. In the appointment the physio or osteopath will be able to discuss your injury, see how you move, watch you doing exercises that they will design for you, speak about your goals and create a treatment plan for you going forward.
Please remember if you have to self-isolate, you need to keep your body moving. So on top of the physio and osteo virtual appointments, we are also running virtual exercise and rehabilitation classes with Nicci.
Please do remember we are here to keep you moving and healthy, so please either book online or call us today on 0203 893 5100 to secure you're appointment today. Don't forget our treatment package prices increase on the 1st April 2020. So call the reception today to take advantage of last year's prices. All packages purchased before 1st April 2020, will be valid for 6 months.
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