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Writer's pictureUltra Sports

February 2022, Patient of the Month, Kevin Sharara

Kevin has been attending Ultra Sports Clinic following a dislocation of his shoulder last year. After sustaining a long history of previous shoulder dislocations, it was decided that surgery was the best course of action, which was performed under the care of an excellent consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Andy Richards at Fortius Clinic.

Senior Physiotherapist, Debbie McEvoy, has been treating him post-operatively to initially work on regaining his mobility and keeping his pain under control, and gradually working on restoring the strength and stability of his shoulder through a progressive rehabilitation program.

Kevin has been making great progress and is already functionally doing really well. He is a highly motivated individual who is committed to the rehabilitation process.

The ultimate goal is to facilitate Kevin's return to basketball in the near future.

Keep up the great work, Kevin!


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